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Vincent E. Cording

Vincent E. Cording’s Best Tips for Staying Young with Diet and Supplements

Vincent E. Cording also known as "My Longevity Experiment" is a YouTuber with over 33,000 followers. In his videos Vincent tells about his supplements stack, health measurements, diet. He also makes reviews of other protocols. He lives on Philippines, and he is turning 60 years. His page of aging is between 0.84 and 0.9

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My Longevity Experiment Youtube Channel Protocol


Vincent E. Cording’s Longevity Biomarkers

  • Chronological age: 59 (60 in May)

March 2024 results:

  • Biological age: 54.99 (DNA Methlation Age)
  • Phenotypic Age: 55.90
  • Pace of Aging: 0.93

November 2023 results:

  • Biological age: 49.64 (DNA Methlation Age)
  • Phenotypic Age: 50.34
  • Pace of Aging: 0.84

According to the data on April 2024 he is not in top-20 rejuvenation athletes leaderboard

Other markers:

  • He keeps BMI of 29.5-30 over 4 years, this is an upper bound of overweight category
  • His Fat Mass is 26.4% (April-23)
  • His Muscle Mass changed from 53.1% (Apr-19) to 33.5% (Apr-23) mostly because of a shift from heavy weight lifting to cross fit trainings
  • His Resting Heart Rate Chart is excellent for his age
  • His Grip Strength test is measured as "strong" for his chronological age (More than 106.7llb for 55-59 age group)

His YouTube Channel: My Longevity Experiment


Vincent Cording Talks About His Aging-Slowing Supplements

Taken around 6:00 AM:

"My Longevity Experiment" YouTuber takes a variety of supplements, this is what he mentioned on his channel:


What is Vincent Cording Diet and Exercise routine?

Daytime Activities: Diet and Exercise (12:00 - 20:00)


  • Lunch: Typically includes high-fat yogurt with parsley and possibly nuts, berries, and a shake.
  • Dinner: Consists of meat or fish with cruciferous vegetables. His fish consumption has been reduced to 2-3 times a week due to rising uric acid levels


  • Routine: Consists of CrossFit twice a week, one weight training session on Fridays, and one or two intense cycling sessions on weekends.
  • He has no new injuries, and previous issues like shoulder problems have been resolved through physiotherapy
  • He tracks his daily steps, on average there are 5000 steps

Evening and Overall Wellness Monitoring

Supplements and Snacks:

  • Metformin: He takes 500 milligrams at night (prescription-only drug)

Wellness Monitoring:

  • Physical Stats and Health Monitoring: Includes regular tracking of weight, BMI, muscle mass, basal metabolic rate, visceral fat, and waist size.
  • Sleep Patterns and Heart Rate: Careful monitoring to ensure optimal recovery and health maintenance. Recent records indicate your heart rate and sleep quality have returned to normal following a throat infection.

Lifestyle and Future Adjustments:

  • Relocation: Anticipating significant lifestyle changes with your upcoming move to the Philippines, including more walking and potential changes to your daily routines to better focus on health and longevity.

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