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Dr. Andrew D. Huberman

Huberman protocol: morning routine, workout, supplements, and sleep

Dr. Andrew D. Huberman is a well-known brain scientist and a professor at Stanford University's School of Medicine. He is known for his important work on how the brain develops, especially how we see. This article talks about how Dr. Huberman spends his day. It covers his morning routine, how he keeps focused and works well in the afternoon, his exercise habits, what he eats, the supplements he takes, and how he gets ready for a good night's sleep

Protocol Is Optimized For:

Andrew Huberman's Morning Routine (Updated June 2024)


1. Wake Up Early

What wake up alarm uses Andrew Huberman? He doesn`t use any.

Huberman wakes up naturally. Usually he wakes up at 5:30 AM and 6:30 AM without using an alarm clock. This helps regulate his circadian rhythms and ensures he starts his day feeling energized12.

When you wake up in the morning, you wake up because a particular hormone called cortisol is released from your adrenal glands, your adrenal glands sit on top of your kidneys3

He believes waking up with an alarm is not ideal for your body's natural circadian rhythms


  1. Flash Hub

  2. Routines Club

  3. Using Light for Health


2. Hydration

When a person consumes even just 2% less fluid than their recommended amount, their cognitive and physical performance is impaired, highlighting the importance of understanding how much water or fluid we need to drink each day

  • Upon waking, Huberman drinks two glasses of water to rehydrate his body after a night's sleep 1
  • LMNT, Electrolyte Drink: He consumes it because LMNT is rich in sodium, magnesium, and potassium. Buy here
  • Salted Water: a glass of water with a small amount of salt (not a tablespoon, but a smaller quantity like half a teaspoon) to stimulate ionic flow and improve hydration efficiency 23

Sea Salt [Buy here] | Himalayan Salt [Buy here]

Huberman is a proponent of using sea salt or Himalayan pink salt over regular table salt, as they contain additional minerals beyond just sodium

  • AG1 by Athletic Greens – essential vitamins, minerals, and probiotics, mixed with water and sometimes lemon or lime juice. Buy AG1

I’ve been using AG1 since 2012 because it’s the simplest, most straightforward way for me to get my basis of important vitamins, minerals, and probiotics


  1. Routines Club

  2. Neuroscientist says the best morning routine includes salt water, sunlight

  3. Saltwater first thing in the morning - Why?


3. Yoga Routine

Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep) is a significant part of Huberman's routine. He often refers 1 to this practice as Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR) and highlights its ability to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps in managing stress and promoting relaxation

”One study shows that 10 to 30 minutes of this yoga ninja practice restores levels of dopamine in an area of the brain called the basal ganglia which are involved in motor planning”

Yoga Nidra Tutorial Video (for beginners, 10 minutes)

I think people can get a lot out of having a protocol that they do maybe first thing in the morning when they wake up if they didn't get enough sleep


  1. Dr. Andrew Huberman on Science Behind Yoga Nidra | Deep Relaxation Technique | Fad or Future Podcast


4. Morning Sunlight Exposure

After a yoga he makes a sun exposure

  • 5-30 minutes of sun exposure depends on the sun intensity
  • If a day is missed, try to double the exposure time the next day
  • Alternative for Limited Sunlight: use a SAD lamp, Buy Here

This practice helps regulate his circadian rhythm, boosting alertness and mood123.

Read more about Morning Sunlight Exposure in his protocol


  1. The Mindful Steward

  2. Flash Hub

  3. YouTube

5. Delayed Caffeine Intake

  • Huberman recommends123 delaying caffeine intake for 90 to 120 minutes after waking up. This allows adenosine to naturally dissipate, reducing the likelihood of an afternoon energy crash.
  • He mentions caffeine is a diuretic and can lead to dehydration, which can impair cognitive and physical performance.
  • Huberman takes coffee or yerba mate (he takes non-smoked versions due to potential carcinogenic risks)

There's one particular brand that I like. I don't have any affiliation to them whatsoever but I've been using it for years. It's Anna Park. It's an organic brand that is sold. I buy mine on Amazon.

Buy Anna Park

Did you know about Caffeine? Adenosine is a molecule that builds up in the brain the longer you are awake, contributing to feelings of sleepiness. Caffeine works by blocking adenosine receptors, temporarily preventing the feeling of fatigue

  • Dosage: He suggests that the optimal dosage of caffeine for improving focus and concentration ranges from 100 to 400 milligrams, depending on individual tolerance and whether it is consumed with or without food 4


  1. The Mindful Steward

  2. Flash Hub

  3. GQ

  4. How to Use Caffeine & Coffee to Improve Focus

6. Exercise

His morning exercise routine alternates between cardio and weight training. This not only enhances physical fitness but also boosts mental performance123. His weekly schedule incorporates various types of training to ensure a balanced approach to fitness, focusing on endurance, strength, and recovery

  • On Mondays he has a leg resistance training with a 10-minute warm-up followed by 50-60 minutes of resistance exercises
  • Tuesday: Andrew Huberman prefers Heat and Cold Exposure for cardiovascular benefits and recovery
  • Wednesday: Upper Body Resistance Training
  • Thursday: Moderate to High-Intensity Cardio (35 minutes)
  • Friday: High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
  • Saturday: Customizable Resistance Training
  • On Sundays Andrew Huberman prefers Long endurance training (35-75 minutes) such as rowing, cycling, slow jogging, swimming, or hiking


  1. The Mindful Steward

  2. Flash Hub

  3. Camille Styles

7. Devices for Exercises

  • Huberman emphasizes the importance of tracking health metrics to optimize fitness routines. He recommends devices like the WHOOP 4.0 fitness tracker, which provides detailed insights into sleep, recovery, and strain, helping users to tailor their workouts more effectively. Buy Whoop 4.0
  • Huberman includes neck training in his routine to improve posture and reduce injury risk. He suggests using devices like the TDS 4-Way Neck Machine. Buy TDS 4-Way Neck Machine | Buy Iron Neck Alpha (budget-friendly alternative)
  • **Large HIIT Workout Timer: **BTBSIGN LED, buy here
  • Portable Interval Timer for HIIT training could be a good idea. Gymboss, buy here
  • Huberman discusses the use of cooling devices like the CoolMitt, which can significantly enhance exercise performance by efficiently cooling the body. This device helps in performing more volume and repetitions of resistance exercises and can improve endurance activities like running or cycling1. Buy CoolMitt) ($200 OFF, if you subscribe to their newsletter)


  1. 300% Work Increase Using THIS?! Andrew Huberman Explains the Coolmitt


Dr. Huberman's Morning Sunlight Protocol

Why does Andrew Huberman consider Sun Exposure?

Andrew Huberman`s objective is to get maximum sun exposure.

When:within the first hour after waking, every day
Why:to adjust and maintain a healthy day-night cycle

Protocol 12

Step 1. Before sunrise

  • Before sunrise, use artificial indoor lights, then transition to outdoor sunlight exposure

Step 2. Sun exposure

  • Sunny: 5 minutes
  • Some Cloud Cover: 10 minutes
  • Densely Overcast: 20-30 minutes



  2. Using Light for Health


  • Huberman mentions that even outdoor cloudy day light is significantly brighter than indoor lighting

The cloudiest day outside is still significantly brighter than typical indoor environments. Using a lux meter can demonstrate the difference, with cloudy outdoor light at least 1,000 lux compared to around 100 lux indoors

  • If a day is missed, try to double the exposure time the next day
  • Sunglasses: Not recommended during morning sunlight viewing
  • Eyeglasses or Contact Lenses are acceptable
  • Viewing sunlight through a window is 50 times less effective

If you don`t belive in this, download a lux meter app You will have a 1000 lux minimum on a cloud day, and 100,000 lux on a sunny day, while inside you can get maximum 1000 lux


  • Alternative for Limited Sunlight: use a SAD lamp or light box if consistent outdoor sunlight exposure is not possible due to weather, location, or schedule

Within 30 minutes of waking up, get bright light exposure in your eyes, and not from a phone or from a screen because it won't be sufficiently bright; get it from sunlight, and if you can't get it from sunlight, you can use one of these light pads ... You can find these very inexpensively online, and that's going to work great. I just set it at my desk in the morning if it's very overcast, and I'll work

Andrew Huberman's Daily Routine

5:30 AM - 7:00 AM


  • Wake-up: Naturally between 5:30 am and 6:30 am, no alarm. Huberman: "Waking up early enhances focus and energy."

  • Hydration: Drinks 2 glasses of water, AG1 by Athletic Greens, and LMNT. AG1: "The simplest way to get essential vitamins." Buy AG1 by Athletic Greens

  • Yoga Nidra: 10-35 minutes to replenish dopamine and reduce cortisol. Huberman: "Yoga Nidra feels like sleeping for hours." 10 min Yoga Nidra | 35 min Yoga Nidra

  • Sun Exposure: 2-10 minutes of sunlight or artificial light if necessary. Huberman: _

"Sunlight in the morning is crucial for sleep quality."_

7:30 AM

Workout: How does Huberman exercise?

  • Workout: Varied daily exercises; supplements like Alpha-GPC and Creatine for performance. Huberman: "Specific supplements can significantly enhance workout performance." Momentous Supplements

Energy and Focus

Midday Routine: Sustaining Energy and Focus

  • Morning Caffeine: Delays caffeine intake until 10:00 AM for adenosine regulation. Prefers Yerba Mate. Huberman: "Delaying caffeine intake prevents afternoon crashes." Buy Yerba Mate
  • First Meal: Around 1:00 PM, following intermittent fasting. Low-carb, high-protein. Intermittent Fasting: "Supports weight loss, insulin sensitivity, and brain health."

Balance and Focus

  • Yoga Nidra: Optional second session for extra rest

Huberman: "A second Yoga Nidra can help combat fatigue."

  • Evening Cardio: Prefers cardio in the evening for those splitting workouts.

Huberman: "Evening cardio can be beneficial for those who prefer it."

7:00 PM onwards

Preparing for Sleep

  • Evening Meal: Consumes carbs 3-4 hours before sleep to aid with glycogen replenishment. Huberman: "Carbs at night help with sleep."
  • Sleep Preparation: Dims lights by 9:30 PM; avoids bright lights to support circadian rhythm. Huberman on Blue Light: "Avoid bright lights to not disrupt sleep cycles."
10:30 PM

Sleep: The Cornerstone of Health

  • Reading: Selects from his reading list for relaxation. Huberman: "Reading helps with winding down." Huberman's Reading List
  • Sleep: Aims for at least 6.5 hours; uses supplements like Magnesium Threonate and Theanine. Huberman on Sleep Supplements: "Certain supplements can improve sleep quality." Momentous Sleep Supplements Promocode: Routines15

Supplement insights

  • Blood Testing: Monitors health markers via comprehensive blood tests. InsideTracker Plans
  • 2-Week Challenge: Encourages followers to adopt his routine with a bet for accountability. Take the Challenge

Huberman's routine showcases a blend of scientific insight and personal discipline, aiming to optimize every aspect of physical and mental health.

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