Huberman's Morning Sun Exposure


Andrew Huberman`s objective is to get maximum sun exposure.

When:within the first hour after waking, every day
Why:to adjust and maintain a healthy day-night cycle

Protocol 12

Step 1. Before sunrise

  • Before sunrise, use artificial indoor lights, then transition to outdoor sunlight exposure

Step 2. Sun exposure

  • Sunny: 5 minutes
  • Some Cloud Cover: 10 minutes
  • Densely Overcast: 20-30 minutes
  • Huberman mentions that even outdoor cloudy day light is significantly brighter than indoor lighting

The cloudiest day outside is still significantly brighter than typical indoor environments. Using a lux meter can demonstrate the difference, with cloudy outdoor light at least 1,000 lux compared to around 100 lux indoors

  • If a day is missed, try to double the exposure time the next day
  • Sunglasses: Not recommended during morning sunlight viewing
  • Eyeglasses or Contact Lenses are acceptable
  • Viewing sunlight through a window is 50 times less effective

If you don`t belive in this, download a lux meter app You will have a 1000 lux minimum on a cloud day, and 100,000 lux on a sunny day, while inside you can get maximum 1000 lux


  • Alternative for Limited Sunlight: use a SAD lamp or light box if consistent outdoor sunlight exposure is not possible due to weather, location, or schedule

Within 30 minutes of waking up, get bright light exposure in your eyes, and not from a phone or from a screen because it won't be sufficiently bright; get it from sunlight, and if you can't get it from sunlight, you can use one of these light pads ... You can find these very inexpensively online, and that's going to work great. I just set it at my desk in the morning if it's very overcast, and I'll work



  2. Using Light for Health