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Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara

Shigeaki Hinohara is a famous japanese doctor. He died at the age of 105 years. He contrinued working even a few months before he died. Doctor Hinohara caring for patients and visited the hospital where he worked at St. Luke International Hospital in Tokyo. This protocol is designed to integrate Dr. Hinohora's principles into a daily routine, ensuring a balance of physical health, mental engagement, and emotional well-being.

Protocol Is Optimized For:

Dr. Shigeki Hinohora Anti Aging Routine from 105 years old Japanese doctor

Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara

  • Born in Yamaguchi, Japan
  • Chronological age: 105 years
  • Died: 18 July 2017

Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara's longevity insights:

  • Work and Retirement: Dr. Hinohara recommends working as much as possible, he was working until he was 105
  • Physical Activity and Diet: He did regular exercise like taking stairs and standing during talks, and recommended a diet that avoided overeating, highlighting his spartan meals and the benefits of olive oil.
  • Purpose and Lifestyle: He puts into absolute the importance of having a purposeful life, minimal lifestyle restrictions, and questioned conventional medical advice, advocating for personalized care.
  • Art and Well-being: Dr. Hinohara found joy and peace in art and poetry, particularly in his later years, which contributed to his emotional well-being
06:00 - 09:00

Morning Rituals

Wake-up Routine:

  • Wake up at 06:00.
  • Perform morning hygiene.


  • Prepare a breakfast consisting of coffee, a glass of milk, a small amount of orange juice mixed with a teaspoon of olive oil.
  • Consume breakfast by 06:30 to kickstart metabolism and nourish the body.

Physical Activity: Use stairs instead of elevators or escalators whenever possible. Engage in light stretching or a brief walk to maintain mobility.

12:00 - 14:00

Midday Activities

Balanced Dinner:

  • Dine on a meal of vegetables, fish or rice around 18:00. Include 100g lean meat twice a week to maintain dietary balance.

Leisure and Community Activities:

  • Engage in community service or pursue hobbies to enhance social interactions and personal satisfaction.
  • Utilize relaxation techniques such as listening to music or playing with a pet as alternatives to medication for managing minor pain or stress.
18:00 - 21:00

Evening Routine

  • Continuous Activity: Consistently choose physically engaging options throughout the day.
  • Organized and Engaged Mind: Keep a detailed planner for daily tasks and long-term projects
  • Dr. Shigeki was a doctor, but he said never blindly listen to doctors, because many doctors may be not aware of the latest therapies
  • Supplements: Hinohara's approach focused on natural, nutritious foods rather than relying heavily on supplements. In a video considered longevity supplements like NMN and resveratrol (prescription-only drug), based on research or medical advice
  • Hydration: Maintain adequate hydration throughout the day to support overall health
during the day

Daily Philosophy

  • Continuous Activity: Consistently choose physically engaging options throughout the day.
  • Organized and Engaged Mind: Keep a detailed planner for daily tasks and long-term projects.
  • Health Conscious: Consider longevity supplements like NMN and resveratrol (prescription-only drug), based on research or medical advice.
  • Hydration: Maintain adequate hydration throughout the day to support overall health

Longevity Tips

  • Active Non-Retirement: Stay professionally active as long as health allows, rejecting full retirement
  • Life Enjoyment: Dedicate time to activities that bring joy and fulfillment
  • Proactive Stress Management: Address stress through active problem-solving and relaxation techniques

Monitoring and Adjustment

  • Weekly Review: Reflect on the past week to identify successful practices and areas needing adjustment.
  • Routine Modifications: Tailor activities and times based on personal health, comfort, and effectiveness.

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